0333 456 5040



Technical Services

Our technical services auditing provision is an essential part of the risk management design & inspection processes. It is incorporated into every new property being built with the benefit of a Protek Warranty. Our model focuses on delivering excellent communication flow between the technical auditor and the construction team to ensure the projects meet the standards required by Protek Warranty as clearly and as effectively as possible, without additional cost or time implication to the developing party.

Technical Audit Inspections

Our technical audit process is specific to each development and takes into consideration the type of project and the nature of construction. Each job will have a bespoke allocation of inspections and these are recorded electronically. This enables us to communicate the results of each inspection with all areas of the project management team as required. The process starts with a design check and continues throughout the construction process to the point of satisfactory completion.

Building Control

Our warranty range and technical auditing requirements are available as a partnered Building Control solution, throughout England and Wales.

System and Component Approval

With the steady pace of system design and development, Protek System approval allows a manufacturer to gain warranty approval for their system and it’s design and manufacturing process. This provides real credibility and increases consumer confidence while helping to speed up the technical audit process.

Next: Understanding the process




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Contact Us

Protek Group Limited,
First Floor, Marlbridge House,
Enterprise Way, Edenbridge,
TN8 6HF.

Tel: 0333 456 5040